The shortening daylight window will mean time to get up to date I guess, but I'm two sets of 'A' frame bushes further into the blat season, so plenty to commit to these pages.I need a blog whaller.
Gratuitous flame shot:
Blog comments to come include:
- The London Tunnel Run: An exercise in losing 50 cars in 5 mins
- Introducing the Nav-Can: Bending tin meaningfully.
- Blat 'n' car show: A Sunriser for two and a car show for 300.
- Stelvio Bob: A long solo recon trip.
- A North loop Blat: The welcome return of two missing men.
- Rob W's RAFstagBlat: A cul de sac of 7's gathers for the send off.
- Rob W marries: his girlfriend.
- Brighton NightBlat 2: The full moon has Ian out for meat at wildlife gathered.
- Goodwood Revival: Flt Sgt CBB and I dress up and join the parade.
Jeeez... that's some home work!
(This is a few days later, so i'll make a start on the list above) -
25th July, Midnight.
The Tunnel Run.
'There's this thing they do, where everyone meets up really late at night , they all get together and drive off through loads of tunnels, there's ferraris and lambos and TVRs and stuff, it's all a secret and organised by Pistin Hedz, don't tell anyone, but come along and bring friends and....'
So three of the Sunrise Squadron gave the idea a go, adding 3 x-flows and their own micro climates to the rising temperatures and thickening fumes of central London on a Saturday night did little to relax the soul, but this run was a charity thing so we persisted through Greenwhich and on to the meeting point in the lee of the Dome.
Motor Neurone Disease robs the basics right out of healthy living. This evening was dedicated to Simon, a sufferer, already looking at the loss of the simple pleasures of musicianship and driving.
Donations were given for stickers and route maps, mementos presented and passenger seats made welcome for Simon in the top trump card section of the exotica turned out for the tribute. So, with good charitable intent we prepared for a spate of outright howling hooliganism around the streets of London!!
As seen in a Countach side window!
With pre-programmed Tom Toms apiece, using the 'TYRE' files sent out in advance, we loaded the diminutive 7's into the breach with 'high number' Ferraris, Lambos, A Tiger striped S2000 with an Osama Bin Laden wax work passenger ( :-0), that fast Datsun , a Sagaris etc etc...and we were fired into the teaming streets of the City and West End like a video game scene from Fast and Furrybus or something modern!
Tunnel names that you only hear on travel reports flashed by at the same rate as the speed camera salvoes. Multi cylinder flat plane cranked howls were doing their charitable most for the occasion as the sprints from 'traffic light -to roundabout exit -to sharp left' offered full rev range opportunity to excel... mostly in first gear!
We kept station for all of 15mins. Those visible in front thinned at one complex junction, as did those behind. The tell tale howls echoed unsighted about the city and with one more set of lights and a right turn later, our three 7's were on their own. Another blink and change in direction, and then there were two... and breathe.

To be continued....
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