Sunday, February 21, 2010

Enforced Hibernation.

It's been a long winter...and still it continues.Snow,salt,rain,snow and drizzle.

Managed a quick blat yesterday, once the frost had thawed, but the roads are cold and gritty and caution was the watchword.

The aluminium needs some polishing after months in a cold garage and there's a list of niggles to sort.Temps and oil pressures were all good and the ratio of 'smiles/thumbs up' were quite high.At 5 degrees C it's a rarer sight I suppose: no roof , no screen and virtually no car!

Whilst waiting at a roundabout for the sprint-in-turn getaway, two bikers behind me could be heard to say (in muffled helmet shout speak) 'F**k me that things quick' :-0.
(We'd just had a little group throttle test along a straight, around a clear to view roundabout with a sprint-and-brake up to the next roundabout)

Nice of them to say so of a 21 year old X-flow a- top their modern sport bikes, and still more amazing when the basic chassis design is more than 50 years old!

Let's hope the snow and cold will soon give way to spring and more opportunities to blat.

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