Sunday, October 17, 2010

Frost and Beaches?

...don't usually mix.

0.5C is cold on the Hog's Back* at 7am with no screen and the prospect of a beach destination (well, a cafe on the beach) represented a fair stretch of will power in taking advantage of this morning's dry roads and promised sunshine.I could see stars, so it must surely warm up at some point?
*this is not a euphemism!

It did, and of course the webers welcome the opportunity for a venturi of cold dense air to deliver to it's eager partner the X-flow valve gear.

Hayling Island Sunday morning, October. Doesn't excite does it? It's a good blat destination if you choose the right roads ,the Full English at Delia's is it's only other saving grace. But add some crisp clear sky and a light weight sports car and it's as good as anywhere in the world at that point!

Which one's been polished?

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