Friday, December 30, 2011

Dakar could damage ancient fossils in Peru

dakar 2012
For the first time in its history, the Dakar will pass through Peru. While there is much enthusiasm for being part of the 2012 edition, there is also some concern that the race will go through several mythical places of Peru.

The Paleontological Museum in Peru "Meyer Hönningen" is alarmed that the vehicles damage the giant ancient animal fossils found in the area called "Ocucaje".

Klaus Hönniger, director of the museum, is studying since five years ago paleontological vestiges of the area in the desert of Ica and Arquipa, and he said he was "very concerned". But on the other hand, Hönniger said that the heritage of the Nazca lines "would be protected."

dakar peru

The fossils come to the surface and anyone can see and that is a prehistoric cemetery, Ocucaje, a 40 million years parched lands that were once flooded by the sea, it is one of the most coveted quarry marine debris paleontology.

In Ocucaje area were discovered fossilized giant megalodon teeth, which was a shark. Also bones of a huge penguin with colorful feathers and remains of Melvillei Leviathan, a whale with teeth longer than the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

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