So, long story short, Taylor is posting this Saturday, not me; I'm not liable for anything he says or does. I hope you enjoy! Support the arts!
Next order of business... my personal sentiments.
Although technically every post I make is a new record, I'm going to set this one aside as a particularly important milestone. You see, normally I can't commit to anything in life. Just ask my parents, ex-girlfriend, teachers, coaches, ex-band mates, and almost anyone else. Anything that is going to take longer than a day or has more than like, four steps, I'm practically useless with. I don't do well with big projects. In fact, if you ask Taylor, I think I still owe him a whole plethora of musical projects that I simply never followed through with.
Don't get me wrong, I can get work done. Give me a list of individual things to do and I will get it done, quickly and efficiently. But ask me to consistently do something or undertake a time consuming project and I fail.
I want this blag, my blag, Noblesaur, to be my turnaround. I'm actually committed to posting at least three times a week, on each of my days off; whether or not people read it is not of my concern. It's about proving to myself that I can do something that takes more than a day, week, month, or even year. I want to show myself that I can commit to something with no definite end. In fact, I want to commit to something that shouldn't ever end, until I do.
Such is life, and the important parts of it: relationships, long-term goals, careers, education, family, et cetera.
And so, one week is important. It's a baby step in the right direction. Now I have to extend it into one month, then a year, and then maybe I can apply this idea, this confidence and knowledge of and in my own self competence, to the rest of my life. Hopefully. If it all goes to plan.
Thank you for reading. If anyone is. Whether you stumbled upon this by accident, or followed a one time link from Facebook, or if you have been checking in every other day. Remember to follow me on Twitter @HWClark52. Have a good weekend! I'll try to as well.
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