This is a special and, I promise, rare Sunday post from Howie.
About a month ago I arranged an interview with the frosh-core band 28 After Dark which I foolishly conducted on my laptop. It was foolish because my laptop, being a hunk of crap, is having some technical issues. Basically, all of my notes and quotes are saved on one .txt-file that I cannot access. I'm planning on getting the issue resolved as quickly as possible but I still need to apologize.
Those kids were super excited and I was too. So, until I get the issue resolved. I am officially extending an offer for 28 After Dark to have a plug on here, much like I did for Taylor Quenneville and all of his music. Whether or not they want me to compose it or compose it themselves is up to them, but I hope it will hold off the hordes of people demanding the results of the awesomely bad interview I conducted.
28 After Dark. I'm sorry.
I hope one of you reads this and capitalizes on your opportunity or just gives me a little leeway until I can get my computer fixed.
28 After Dark. I'm sorry.
I hope one of you reads this and capitalizes on your opportunity or just gives me a little leeway until I can get my computer fixed.
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