Friday, January 13, 2012

HRT Headquarters: Valencia

HRT headquarters
Hispania Racing team has taken a decision that could be crucial for this season. The spanish team has moved their facilities into a warehouse in the industrial suburbs of the city of Valencia.

We believe that this workshop will be used as the team base for this season, although it is not clear if the team will build the two cars in this facility.
Rumour number 1: Team management realized that they are facing too many problems to have their 2012 cars ready on Melbourne track, so they are trying to get permission to run its 2011 cars untill they finish the 2012 spec cars. This is a bigger problem than it seems since the mechanical parts of a car are designed with a certain period of "life". To add a bigger issue: last year cars have used all the spare parts supply. For last, we are not taking into account that there are a lot of parts that need to be replaced.

All this means that the team’s sub-contractors need to build "new old parts", and by doing that they are going to delay the progress of the 2012 car. (That is if the sub-contractors that are building the new car are the same ones of 2011). To find an alternative supplier at this time of year is going to be difficult because the suppliers are very busy working to supply more than one F1 customer, and in any case, there are not many companies in Spain that can produce parts of the right quality levels to be used in F1. Do you remember one of the reasons that we claim to be the cause of the bad performance in F1 of Toyota? To have your team facilities outside England it is not a great decision. Because you are very far away from were everyone of the suppliers are. Its honorable to set a team with a national identity, but lets face the reality, this is a circus settled in England.

HRT facilities

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