A SHORT ANNOUNCEMENT Hi! It's me, Howie. I liked the reacousticized version of this song so much that I've hijackedthe post and set it to publish three hours ahead of schedule. Seriously... it rocks.
Hey all!
Hope the holidays were good, This marks the return of TCCV: Acoustic stuff.
Theres been quite a lapse in time since the last TCCV post, so to remind everyone:
-Post 1 (Tracks 1-4)
-Post 2 (Track 5)
-Post 3 (Track 6)
-Post 4 (Tracks 7-8)
These and the new track make up parts 1 and 2 of the TCCV story, The Inferno and The Hunters.
After Track 9, The Betrayal begins.
Stay tuned.
Welcome back, me!
Track Nine - Thome
This song is similar to "The Legend Told" storywise. Nothing plottish happens, it just sorta tells a bit about what happens post-story. The song is about the country of Thome, which is where the entire TCCV story happens.
The original version was one of my favorite songs from the original TCCV. White noise at the beginning is tacky. The guitar is fine though. Singing is stronger than usual at this time, though inconstant volume and white noise detracts from it. I try to go too deep at the end of Verse 1. I like the chorus singing. The "Thome" yells aren't too bad. The next line makes no sense, storywise. My singing really isn't that bad yet. Cool. I like the differentiation with the choruses, I should have kept that. The "in Thome" whispering is cheesy as shit. I like verse 3 nonetheless. Aw man, I mess up the lyrics at the beginning chorus 3. I could actually go deeper then, than I can now, I think, lol. Screams at the end are dumb. Overall, not bad at all.
The new version is not changed too too much. The quality of the recording is improved, and a faux-bass track is added. Its slightly slower, and more acousticized. The second verse lines that didn't make sense story-wise were changed. The bass during chorus 2 is offish, but I like it. The 'you don't want to be here' part is changed, but I like it. And that stupid "in Thome" part is removed. I like the volume changes between verse and chorus. I like the louder Thome yells at the end. All in all, recording and performance quality is upped, a few small things altered, but I really liked the original, and didn't feel the need to change it as much.
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