"Taylor, what the fuck is this, I don't even..."
I'm almost positive that you will all feel the same.
Now that we got past that, I have big news. In case you didn't know last night was the, drumroll please, 2011 Presidential State of the Union Address.
Now, I personally think that the State of the Union is total bullshit, at least what it has become. It's kind of sad that it takes a national crisis or some stupid annual tradition for three key parts of our government to get together and outline each others goals.
Back in the old days, State of the Union addresses were much more common; in some instances it happened a few times in a single year. They were also given in the form of a letter most of the time, although there were of course speeches. Woodrow Wilson really made the custom of speaking annually and it's stuck.
Now State of the Union addresses are Constitutional obligations by the president. Article II, Section II of the United States Constitution says:
He [the president] shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.
In case you missed that or something, basically the Constitution says that our lame-ass President has to, from time to time, get in touch with our shitty-ass Congress and tell them what's up because apparently that's not somewhat inherent with their duties. I personally think the President should be talking to Congress as a whole at least twice a year. It shouldn't be this massive, stupid, event.
Also, what the hell is with the rebuttals? I looked them up and I'm ashamed to say that modern Democrats started this bullshit tradition. I fucking hate the party I align with.... This entire sick show is just a microcosm of the fucking bullshit that is U.S. Government. Why the fucknuggets are you giving a rebuttal to a statement you stupid shitheads!?!
I swear to God, our politicians these days are like children...
This is a fucking joke. America is a fucking joke. Thanks guys, you made my blag post digress into a public breakdown. I hate this stupid country, I hate the people who run it, I hate the people who are so dumb that they've fallen for this bullshit, and I hate the idea that it's only going to get worse.
We're all retarded and we're going to end up as the shit on the rest of the worlds shoes. I blame the baby boomers. ^-^ LOL
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