Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Going to Chaos Theory! [wait what?]

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting on Wednesday, I was thinking about you though, I promise (just ask Armac).

Well it's Friday and I have another whole week of break until school restarts. I've been getting ready and I realized I need a way to make sure I get everything done. However, I also want to spread my metaphorical (and cliche) wings a bit this upcoming year. I have a lot planned...

Weight loss, kicking the shit out of school, deciding my own fate, meeting people, working, et cetera.

For once I actually want to follow through with all of my plans though. I want it to be fun too! Fortunately for me, a few stars aligned and I think they're guiding me to do something that just might be my ticket to success.

Of course you're either intrigued or skeptical of this, either way, you want to know how the "stars aligned," right? Well, Chaos Theory, starring Ryan Reynolds and Emily Mortimer, is one of my favorite movies of all time. I just find it awesome and funny for some reason; whatever. For Christmas the family got itself an awesome blu-ray player, which also has Netflix on it. Naturally, we became hooked to this "Netflix" almost immediately.

I searched for Chaos Theory and found, to my dismay, that it was a DVD only movie; this means I had to order it and it would come in the mail, as opposed to it streaming immediately. I was disappoint, but I ordered it and all was good.

Two days ago, my family calls me out and says, "hey don't you like this movie?"

Much to my surprise, the movie was added to the list of "Play Now" films, and I could watch it then and there. So, I did. If you haven't seen the movie, I urge you to stop reading and go watch it immediately, I don't care how. You can pick up here later.


...I'll assume you know what Ryan Reynolds' character does with note cards, you know, after all the bad stuff happens to him. No doubt, it's an interesting concept. Maybe even worth trying, just not to those extremes. After all, we're not all super-depressed like him. Right?

Fast forward! The next day, I'm watching my daily dose of The Colbert Report. His guest happens to be a doctor who LOVES checklists and currently has a New York Times Bestseller entitled The Checklist Manifesto.


Coincidence! Whatever...

Then, I'm watching my daily double dose of politics with Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow and the same fucking doctor is on talking about checklist shit again!

Fine universe... I get it... I'll bite....

So I looked it up for seriously (thats proper ingles) and checklists seem like an awesome way for me to keep my life in order. But it's just, not, me... and I certainly wouldn't be able to keep it up because of that. Then I remembered Chaos Theory.

B... I... N-G-O.

I tried it today, and I love it. Obviously, I'm not taking it to the extreme like in Chaos Theory, but I'm going to apply it on a smaller scale. For tasks that can be time swapped, I'll surely be utilizing my note cards to decide the order.

I've also made myself always include at least one "wild card". Basically something irrelevant but that I want to do, preferably something I haven't done before, or don't do often. For example, today I had to write a letter to a friend, and I did! It felt good somehow.

I urge you all to try this sometime, and I'll certainly keep you all updated on how it goes.

For daily tasks and minor decisions,
I'm going to rely on note cards and chance from now on;
Like in the movie Chaos Theory

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