Friday, March 4, 2011

The Fourth of March

Thank the Great Macrocause it's Friday! It's been an interesting week. Sorry Norman West didn't post on Tuesday, I know we were all excitedly awaiting his response to the Oscars. He had some sort of crisis involving espionage, foreign trade, and a whole lot of Flamin' Hot Cheetos (or something like that).

This weekend I'll be engaging in some serious interstate communications with Norman and Jeffrey regarding something that was supposed to be done yesterday. I'm sorry friends, it'll come next Thursday. Jeffrey... I fucking told you.

I've been compiling a bunch of the shit I've written. A few short stories, a whole bunch of poems, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Alot of it is shitty. Some of it, I'm legitimately surprised I wrote. There are a few diamonds in the ocean of diarhea I've created over the years.

So when I finish with this compilation of awesome I'm going to just throw it onto Amazon as an ebook for Kindles and shit. At 99 cents a pop, I'm sure a peruser or two will purchase, sending me 70 cents or so. Maybe it'll get around to people who like my work, I'm sure there must be someone who likes it out there. They just need to see it. Right? Right? (stares off into sunset).

Anyways, next week should be much better for the blog.


I dropped something yesterday. Poetry Monday's current sixteen part series may or may not be completed. It'd probably be the best thing for my mental and emotional health to not complete it. I just can't play one way like that, it's unfair and it hurts too much. If you (you know who you are) are reading, I hope you understand. But it's so hard at the same time, I dunno.

Cheers guys.

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