Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hispania forced to call off test of new car

The struggling Hispania team will go into the new season having not tested their new car after they were forced to call off a planned run on Saturday.

The team were unable to test after launching their new car on Friday because parts were held up in customs.

Team boss Colin Kolles said on Friday evening that they could not get the suspension components out.

"The result of this is that we can't run tomorrow," he said. "This is life and we will overcome this problem."

Saturday, the final day of pre-season testing at the Circuit de Catalunya near Barcelona, was to have been the only day's running of the car before the first race of the season in Australia on 27 March.

It means the car's first miles will be in first practice for the Melbourne race on Friday 25 March.

It will be the second year in a row that Hispania have arrived at the first race with an untested car.

Last year, which was their debut season, they also missed much of Friday practice as they completed the building of their cars.

Drivers Narain Karthikeyan and Vitantonio Liuzzi have tested this winter in the 2010 car, the slowest on the grid in 2010.

Hispania's withdrawal means that only four teams will take part in the final day of testing on Saturday - Ferrari, McLaren, Mercedes and Williams.

Heavy rain has prevented any serious running so far on Saturday.
from bbc sport

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