Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Daily Dose of African, Caribbean, Jazz Fusion

Good morning Beautiful!
Are you ready for your daily dose of Jazz?

It started with a cool Bobby McFerrin video that had frontpaged r/Frisson. Needless to say it was amazing, as good old Bobby always delivers. I felt tingles not one, not two, but four or five times. I'll share it with you now! The crowd factor really does it for me in this video.

This one video led me off on a YouTube tangent, as always happens when I'm on the internet, and I came across a truly fantastic video. It's a one hour set of a musician who I've heard but only just truly "met" this evening, Richard Bona. He's a fantastic bassist, a great singer, and the whole set is good, fun listening. Very high quality for a YouTube. Although much is in French, like all music and language it gets the point across well enough. It's worth every minute of your time. Minimize it and listen while you work, blast it through a stereo system, just give a full listen.

EDIT: sorry that the video is too big, it's high quality so the smallest embed is sill bigger than my blog

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