Karun Chandhok took the Lotus T128 in the German Grand Prix, replacing Jarno Trulli, now with the championship about to end team Lotus remains in tenth place in the Constructors' Championship, despite not having achieved a single point.
"We have two very experienced drivers and I have to do whatever is right for the team, not Karun or Indians fans," said Tony Fernandes. "I would love to see him race there. It makes sense, but we have to enter in the top 10 teams and we alredy have the right people to do that," he said.
Fernandes, has also told that his team will be renamed Caterham in 2012 if the F1 Commission allows it, and will give up the name Lotus: "We must be realistic about the situation. Where we are now is unsustainable. it does not help to Formula 1 and does not help the fans. "The Malaysian manager also insisted that the end of the confusion of names will be favorable to all." It’s better for Formula 1, better for Group Lotus, better for Renault and better for us, then why not?."
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