Friday, February 4, 2011

1000 Pageviews! The Joys and Benefits of Noise Canceling Headphones

Sometime (hopefully soon) after I post this I will achieve a massive milestone for me and my shitty little blag. It only took forever and a half but I finally did, I reached 1000 pageviews! I don't exactly know what this even means, and I certainly don't know if it's even close to alot. It's probably not... but that's not deterring me and my excitement!

I am thrilled that I've posted somewhat consistently for three months with absolutely no benefit at all to myself. I take that back, I benefit from knowing I actually have readers. Apparently there's someone in Malaysia who keeps coming back to read this week after week. Most of my other readers are probably one timers or friends of mine, but I don't care. I am reaping your support and it keeps me from concluding that this is pointless... even though it is pointless...

So thank you all! Tell your friends, keep reading, and stuff... I am forever indebted to you or something.

Now it's time to discuss the joys and benefits of noise canceling headphones.

I love these things. They're already designed to encase your ears in a plush tomb of awesome to rid much of the excess sound. But if that isn't enough, as I've found is often the case (I go to community college and ride city bus >_>) there's the wonderful noise canceling switch.

I don't know exactly what it does, but I'm pretty sure it essentially adds more of the right noises to the mess to give the illusion that the other noises aren't even there. It's fucking awesome.

The bass is so much clearer, the treble clips less, the mid tones are crisp... it's fucking magic.

As I sit here at lunch, I see people, less than 5 feet away, laughing hysterically. They're obviously yelling and laughing about, well God knows what. But I can't even hear them, and the volume is only half way up.

So, if you listen to relaxing music, find yourself in loud places, or both. Buy some of these electronic noise canceling headphones. They're awesome!!!

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