Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bacon, Dinosaurs, and Valentines Day!

I asked my ridiculous amount of Facebook friends what I should post about today, I got a few answers. I chose the suggestion of an old schoolmate, we'll call her Johannathan Thome (THOME! THOME! THOME!) in order to protect her identity.

She said, "dinosaurs and bacon. and the retardedness of the upcoming holiday valentines day" and I thought that was pretty R****t.

Autobots, roll out.

Bacon: Fuck man, bacon is amazing. There is nothing better than adding bacon to everything you eat. You can put bacon bits in your pasta. You can put little pieces of bacon in the bread you eat. Bacon goes good with eggs. Bacon goes good on almost any sandwich, I'm sorry, I meant bacon goes good on all sandwiches. When God created the universe he outlined the creation of bacon. It goes good on pizza, it goes good with wine, it goes good with everything. Fuck, I love bacon.

Alright I admit, that was a bit over the top. But it doesn't change the fact that bacon is one of the greatest foods around, even the Canadian kind.

Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs... honestly, I have mixed feelings about the great reptiles of old.

I mean, I wish they were around today, but I am also so thankful that they aren't, because if they were; we wouldn't be the kings of the Earth, they would.

The velociraptor is the most over rated dinosaur of all. The thing was the size of turkey, no big deal. You're probably like "hey hey woah woah hey... velociraptors are like as tall as a human and as long as a Mini Cooper. Fuck you, you're wrong.

The velociraptor we all know is apparently, actually called Deinonychus. I know, I checked, online.

Valentines Day: Well I used to resent Singles Awareness Day. In fact, I still do. Bad shit happens on or right before it. Fuck it, not worth my time.

Well that's Wednesday. Thanks for reading.


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