Monday, November 15, 2010

A First Real Blog Post? No, a Poem.

Remember the Winds
Three years made, just for me, just for her.

Remember that gust of wind,
The one that brought us here.
It was unseen, unheard, unknown.
Its angelic ebb and flow
Guided us silently home.

Home, for me, is right with you;
Your warm embrace, my port of call.
Looking out across the sea
Of endless possibilities,
I’m just glad you’re here with me.

If these gales that brought us near,
Are more than raw, chaotic luck,
Perhaps they have, defined, a goal.
Does He dictate the way they blow,
Did they push us, soul to soul?

If these invisible waves of might
Push and pull us till all’s right
Then why, at times, do they lead the fight,
Blow against their normal course,
And lead us, apart, far, far away.

Only then, to turn again
And return us to each other’s arms.
As if the battles we had waged
Were never there, never more.

Remember please, the winds of Fate.
Before you let him break you down.
They guide the ship that is your heart,
An unearthly vessel, homeward bound.

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