Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm off to test the present.

You know when the sun's out, and the afternoon is free, and when you've just had your birthday and the wife wrapped up that camera you gave her to give you back the next day? Isn't it great to spend a few hours just arseing about and creating a little something for the hell of it! Especially when you live right near the Pirbright Ring:

One of the Sunrisers has the work/life balance sorted.

Note: The Sunrise Seven Squadron (The Sunrisers) cannot guarantee future videos to be of this quality and professionalism.Some of us have to work god-damn it...and anyway this type of  mid week fun and frivolity can be addictive and mess up your head.So it cannot be condoned by the other members of the Sunrisers, so stop it.Thanks.

Same bit of road different technique!


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