Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Post Two. Tuesday Special

Now, I know that I said I was only going to post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but there is nothing wrong with going above and beyond the self inflicted call of duty right? I'll tell you, it is, especially regarding things like this.


I was on Facebook last night, lurking as usual, when I saw some guy who wasn't my friend, yet somehow hacked his way into my Most-Recent-News Feed. His post led me to YouTube and I quickly found one of the best and most sincere videos I've ever seen on the site.

I honestly think this is YouTube at its absolute best. This is what the site was really designed for, not the poop we usually get. The name of this short film (not merely a video) is Out of Sight and it was made as a graduation production by three students from the National Taiwan University of Arts. In the words of the film's description:
The main character, a little girl, in the story confronts a robbery and strays from the road she is familiar with. After passing a hedge, she enters an unknown world and unfolds a magical adventure depending on senses and her imagination in stead of her vision. With soft and cute colors as the main key, we used simple designs to depict the little girls' imaginary world.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I think it will appeal to almost anybody, especially if you're reading this! Without further adieu, Out of Sight. :)

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