Monday, November 22, 2010

Poetry Monday.

Fight (For) You
A poem I wrote, I think it's an explanation.

When I feel I’m falling from warmer climes,
The ones you made out of loving words.
It’s all I can do to keep myself afloat
When I feel like I’m about to go insane.

I can’t see you like I did,
I can’t feel your beating heart,
I can’t see your glowing eyes,
I think I left a bit of me behind.

When we are bolder than a minute ago,
I swear your voice comes alive in my...
This is all I can do to stay afloat.
I just can’t feel anymore.

I can’t see you anymore,
I don’t feel your beating heart,
I don’t remember your glowing eyes,
I think I left it all behind.

I can’t help but hit the keys a little harder.
The words that form are all for you
And every time you come back it’s so cold,
But cold is better than to be without you.

When we go louder than the hour before,
I feed on anger as though it were a drug.
At least I can hear you once again my dear.
At least it feels like you are here.

I want to see you again,
I want to feel your breaking heart,
I miss those lovely morning eyes,
I wish I had come along for the ride.

Now I’m stuck holding on by a thread,
A suicidal serpent - eating its own tail.
I feel closer when I’m fighting with you.

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