Saturday, December 18, 2010

Armac's Shameless Plugging 4 (Track 7-8)

Sorry for not posting last week! Finals are a bitch.
Anyways, double post today.

Track Seven - Armac

This song is what Armac, the hero of the story, tells The Hunters to get them on his side. It's really hard to gather that context-wise, because this chunk of the story is very lacking with the exposition. So, Armac explains that he was one of the Shadowmongers, and now he's the shit. He was a badguy but realized that he was, and stopped. He is asking the Hunters to do the same.

This song is one of the ones with a 'theme' associated with it. The simple guitar riff at the beginning. In this original recording it only happens once. Then chords, then theme. It doesn't sound bad at all yet. :D Chords again, still not bad. Cool, I don't dislike this song. FUCK. Singing comes in. I sound like a 5 year old. And not a good singer of a 5yo. I come in early "they call me" sigh. This song got kinda boring. Meh. The singing doesn't help at all. Yeesh. Its almost atonal. "I will be there..." part is really idiotic. I hate it, and then the next part is too high and stupid. Gross. Repeating first verse, I guess thats cool? Ooh, now I'm getting aggressive. Not really. Nice fade back to the theme though. Musically, not bad. Singing wise, deplorable.

New version slows the theme. And extends it and adds bassiness. The transition to chords is less stilted, as there is more than one guitar going on at once. The first voxless playthrough of the verse isn't bad. Singing is much better. Its understandable and more powerful. It sounds kinda like it was run through an old radio or something though. I kinda like that effect. Whatev. Gets loud at the chorus, good show. Extra chord in between chorus and verse, probably an unnecessary change, but whatever. Loudness stays through second verse and chorus, then break comes in. Its a lot more thought out than the original one, the theme recurs here, cool. Play it over verse chords? Woa. Then Verse 3. The second half of Verse 2 and 3 are switched. Also: double vocals at the end. *Shrugs* Ending lacks theme, but is not bad.

Track Eight - Kill Them!!

This song is sung mostly by Eval, spurring his men to kill their heroes. He threatens them and forces them to attack the Hunters and Armac. They succeed, and the someone says to Eval "you killed the Hunters, I'd like to see you dead" and then "Eval triumphant..." Then it goes back to the chorus. The music for this song was originally gonna go with a song about The Hunters, and the lyrics are modifications of a set of lyrics for a Hunters song. The original "The Hunters are here, they'll kill them all off" becomes "The Hunters are here, get them quick they'll disappear".

The original doesn't start with The Hunters theme, as it should. As I recall the quality of the recording was lacking, so I cut it. The part where the guitar is supposed to cut out, and then a descending bass happens is not in this version. The vocals are weird, because I was trying to sound like the lead singer of Social Distortion. Lol. The electric guitar suits the song, the vocals sound like a 5 year old trying to sound like an adult. After the 2nd chorus the guitar falls apart. And then I whisper for some reason. Sounds stupid. Then you can barely hear my high-pitched voice, then I 'aaahhhh' shittily. Then guitar falls apart again, and a new riff happens, and i sound little again. Sigh. Yeesh that is not a note. "We relied on them" has no rhyme for some reason. Whatever. Then the main riff happens again. I kinda like the squeal on the guitar here. Messy transition back to the chorus, and I don't even come in with the vocals immediately. Lame. The ending is lame too. And I whisper again for no reason. But the guitar crash sounds kinda cool.

The new versions starts with The Hunters Theme, as it should. Faux-bass comes in, nice touch. Lol. I don't think I've done the chord version of the Theme before. I like it. I also didn't try to transition directly, as i have in the past. I like the abrupt start. The descending bassline is here and better. The vocals are more audible and appropriately loud. And they're totally understandable. :D The bass is kinda messy in the background, but I like it. It adds to the fact that this is a battle, its hectic. The first and second verse are kinda the same. Whatever. I kinda changed up the strumming patterns. I like them. I say listen to me "now" instead of "quick" because i never liked that i said "quick" so many times. Same with "finished" instead of "works done?" I changed the break here a bit. Same with the next part. This part kinda comes out of no where, but that was like that in original anyway. This break is a lot less infant-sounding. So thats good. I like the build back to the main riff. One final double-chorus. Second half of this double chorus has different vocals. The theme comes back at the end, and I like the final bass note.

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