Wednesday, December 29, 2010

End of Year 'Sunrise Sevens Family Lunch'.

...or some 'beer and grub at the pub'.

The Sun Inn (get it?) at Bentworth, near Alton, were happy to take our money for a long leisurely lunch on a bleak afternoon in the dieing gasps of 2010.We struggled to recognise each other on arrival, tin top cars and civvy clothing not being the norm, of course, but introductions duly made.We were naturally careful not to regale too loudly our tales from the year of driving skills and prowess, nor of trunnions and A- frame bushes, balanced carbs and limits of adhesion... because, we'd not only be 'in public', but also with the SWMBO's !! 

The 'She Who Must Be Obeyed's'.

It was great for everyone to meet each other at last and the conversations were suitably positioned to include all in attendance, from 5 months to nearly 5 decades.

Paul C made the effort to bring a particularly virulent strain of virus along, the rest of his family remaining at home in the isolation ward, he sat by himself.

Andy DaLongBloke did his usual long range trip up from the coast ... this time in SWMBO DaLongBloke's diesel Smart wonder we didn't recognise him! And he went all the way to Italy and back in that? The small run up from Worthing in the middle of winter is nothing then, thanks for making the trip up though, good to see you and the oft spoke about missus.

We didn't get to touch Cannonball B's new sheepskin flying jacket sadly ... or his Nurse SWMBO. Both were administering elsewhere.

All of Ian H's family were wearing shorts, it's a cult thing.

Rob W and wife SWMBO ate hot spicy chicken wings, but they're all right now.

Missus Carrots and Baby Carrots were both well behaved and will be invited out again next year.

Happy days and nice grub.

We look forward to a good year of Sunrise Seven Blats and fine breakfasts in 2011.

One love and that ;-?


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