Friday, November 26, 2010

Armac's Shameless Plugging 2 (Track 5)

This is kinda short as posts will go probably, because neither the story, the original track, or the new version are very exciting.

Track Five - The Legend Told

Storywise, this song is just a poem that the first four songs were based on. I named it "The Legend Told" to give the impression that it was what people said about the Man of Fire after his death.

The original track was fairly simple, just a reading of the poem that the entire "Inferno" chapter of the story was based on.
To make it a tad more interesting I reversed it and added reverb and then re-reversed it.
This created an effect of everything crescendoing as it actually happens.
It was definitely more interesting than a simple reading, but it lost a bit of clarity, and was not a song.

I wanted to Songicize™ this quite a bit, so I wrote a simple guitar piece, and then recited the poem over it.
The song itself, I kinda like, and to capture the same pre-crescendo feel, I did the same reverse-reverb-reverse thing as before, but with the guitar and both vocal tracks.
All in all I like the song, but its kinda hard to follow and kinda strange as a concept.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bang On!


Just seen the first gritter truck of the season!! I could hear the howl of pain from the garage at home and I was 3 miles away.Sad day.Salt & bare aluminium do not make for a happy 7.

Here's a reminder of what we've been missing over the past 3 weeks:

The Pirbright Ring a few weeks back.

Now if I could just get some quality kit together like my fellow blatister's previous offering...


Tomorrow's Thanksgiving! Badassery Will Surely Ensue.

Tomorrow is the fourth Thursday this November, and we all know what that means, it's time for Thanksgiving, the lesser of the two religious yet somehow Federal holidays. Since 1942 this day has been legally recognized by the Federal government as a holiday, so if you happen to work for the government, you get the day off!

We all know the story of the pilgrims and their amazing harvest, and how they annually gave thanks and gathered together to eat the surpluses and spoils of another wonderful year of hard work. Technically, this makes Thanksgiving inherently religious in nature. No matter what you were thanking, Jesus, Allah, the crops themselves, or some pagan god of the harvest, by definition it's religious in nature.

I know you'll ask about it so I'll elaborate... You see by giving thanks to anything on the fourth Thursday of November for a bountiful harvest, you're religiously executing a ritual, albeit a yearly one. Yes, even those New Age nudists from HELLA-Nor-Cal who claim so feverishly to be Atheists. As long as they celebrate Thanksgiving as a day of thanks for the harvest, they're being religious.

This isn't a bad thing.

In fact, me being a Christian, I rather like the idea of two Christian holidays being Federally recognized, even though it's arguably unConstitutional (see Amendment 1). For this reason I get kind of pissed off when I remember that some people are devout Atheists. There is this odd movement that I'm becoming more aware of to insist on calling Thanksgiving "Turkey Day."

I find this total fucking bullshit.

If you don't like the fact that Christians won another battle and got Thanksgiving turned into a Federal holiday then go to work or don't celebrate it. I swear the immaturity level of some people is amazing. They don't want to acknowledge its roots (mostly dead ones) but they'll surely celebrate it!

Just call it Thanksgiving fuck dammit. Although the roots of Thanksgiving are inherently religious in nature, that doesn't mean it has to be, or is, anymore. Giving thanks to something for the harvest is religious, but giving thanks to someone who worked for the harvest is not.

Since most of us don't work all year for a harvest in November, we really don't thank something anymore anyways. You can be thankful to and for your family, friends, home, food, wealth, and whatever else. You don't have to thank a God or the Earth or Math or anything like that, just thank the people who made it happen, thank them for not dieing. Thank them for deciding not to murder you because of your retarded choices to degrade a good hearted holiday by replacing it's name with a fucking bird.

Fucking relax. Be thankful that I don't come over there and back-hand your ass, at the very least.

Now that I got all my fury about the interstate Atheist conspiracy to degrade Thanksgiving out, I feel much better. Thanks for reading this far.

A big part of Thanksgiving day is the football. Somehow it just perfectly captures the spirit. Thank God those guys care more about the money than their families. All day long and into the night, men, their sons, and their daughters' boyfriends/fiancées/husbands will gather around the boob tube and watch teams across leagues and levels play the all-American game.

Well, lucky us! This year's Thanksgiving games for the pros totally fucking suck.

12:30P EST --- NE Patriots (8-2) at DE Lions (2-8) on CBS
4:30P EST --- NO Saints (7-3) at DA Cowboys (3-7) on FOX
8:20P EST --- CN Bengals (2-8) at NY Jets (8-2) on NFLN

Fortunately, we have NCAA Football to save the day, err weekend. For all you Arizonafags out there (I know there's a lot of you) The Big Game for the Territorial Cup is this weekend! Also, this weekend #2 Auburn (11-0) takes on #9 Alabama (9-2) in the Iron Bowl, with BCS positions on the line, it will be one hell of a game!

Finally, I want to discuss the real meaning of Thanksgiving. Being thankful. First of all, want to thank you for reading and if you read consistently, thank you so much for the support and readership. Makes me feel useful and proud to be all of your friends. I'm thankful for my family (even though they don't read) and I'm thankful for all of my best friends. I want to thank all of the people who read my tweets and get mad at me when I stop. I want to thank all the people who put up with my millions of updates that personally get sent to their phones. I want to thank my dogs and my neighborhood animals for being entertaining. I want to thank Jenn Sarina, my ex-girlfriend, for being a constant source of inspiration and a thorn in the side of my brain (I can't stop thinking about her) it keeps me moving forward and gives me something to strive for.

Last, and most importantly I want to thank God for everything, and I mean everything. As dark and cold as things get for me in my head, I can always step back and see that it's all here because of Him, whoever or whatever He is and it's all so wonderfully, masterfully, complex, limitless, confusing and beautiful.

I probably won't post tomorrow, unless something big happens. I promised to post on Friday but it'll likely be short. Remember to tell your friends and check in often, it keeps me going.

Thank you all. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving! Badassery will surely ensue!

Comment below and tell me what you are thankful for.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

North Korea Just Accidentally The Whole Island of Yeonpyeong! Wat do?

Something important has occurred, and I'm gonna rant about it! Wanna hear it, here it goes...

As many of you may already know, North Korea just accidentally the whole island of Yeonpyeong, South Korea. In case some of you have been slacking off on your history homework, let me assure you that this a pretty big deal (like me, ZING).

Quick history lesson!

N. Korea and S. Korea used to be one nation, but then Korea suffered a severe case of acute schizophrenia which was, The Korean War. At the end of the war the two sides of Korea decided to draw a big-ass fucking line right down the middle of them and declared it demilitarized (even though they both have huge fucking armies on both sides basically ready to bum-rush across the border and fuck shit up at a moments notice). Since then, 1953, the two sides have basically been having a really intense staring contest.

This would be all fine and dandy if it were really just about N. Korea and S. Korea. The fact is, this battle is being fought by two small powers, but they have puppet masters. In the Korean War of the 50's it was communism versus capitalism, the USSR versus America. Today, it's China versus America, seeing as the USSR disbanded and left Russia a bankrupt fucking pit (good job guys).

In case you're really out of the loop. Let me tell you that China and America are not on the friendliest of terms. In fact I'm almost positive that the only reason we tolerate each other is because we know we can't live without the other. China and the US are those two teenage girls who love to talk and hang out but behind each others back, can't STAND each other. Yeah, China and the US are teenage girls... good metaphor Howie.


Now that we have all that back-story cleared up and in view, let's jump to the current news!

North Korea just accidentally the whole island of Yeonpyeong! Sometime around 2PM on Monday N. Korean artillery opened fire on the S. Korean island. They launched "dozens (of millions)" of rounds and S. Korea immediately retaliated by scrambling F-16 fighter jets and returning fire with "over 80(thousand)" rounds of artillery fire.

The whole island was evacuated and so far it seems like nearly two (hundred) S. Korean soldiers died with many more injured, alongside numerous civilian injuries. Pictures showed the island ablaze with plumes of smoke rising from homes.

Officials are saying this is the biggest tantrum N. Korea has thrown since the war ended back in '53. S. Korean officials out of Seoul are warning the nation-child that is N. Korea that another sucker punch like this and they will suffer "enormous retaliation," Likely in the form of all-American weaponry.

Of course, according to N. Korea, it's not a sucker punch at all. Apparently, the S. Korean navy was participating in a live fire drill in the area. N. Korean officials had warned the southerners about firing in the disputed waters. That being said, the S. Korean ships were never in N. Korean waters and fired away from land. This after officially assuring the North that it was a drill, and they would not be harmed in any way.

North Korea decided to open fire on a civilian island anyways.

What I find totally hilarious is the reaction by the rest of the world. South Korea, although outraged, is showing a ridiculous amount of restraint. Like a parent at the grocery store, trying to stay calm, but firm, right after their little tyrant in the cart knocked over three jars of tomato sauce. I have read many quotes by officials stating that this is literally just North Korea throwing a little temper tantrum to get attention.

Perhaps the best way to fight these fuckers is to just ignore them.

I stand by my words when I say that North Korea itself is NO THREAT to the United States. Have you seen what America has done to organized military in the past 20 years? Of course you haven't because no-one cares, because it's not fucking interesting. You wanna know why it's not interesting? It's because the United States literally decimates its enemies on the battlefield. The only place where we fail is when the population fights back, or when the enemy engages in guerrilla warfare.

The United States has enough military cojones to slap the shit out of N. Korea in a month, I don't give a fuck if they have the worlds second largest standing army, we're 30+ years ahead of them in technology. We can rain flaming fucking hell from the skies, without EVER being seen or heard. We can rain flaming fucking hell from the skies from hundreds of miles away. To be honest, I'm almost positive we could do that from here in the United States.

The only thing standing between us and spanking North Korea into fetal submission, is China!

China is the real threat, and every time North Korea slaps it's southern brother it runs back underneath China for protection.

I hope N. Korea decides to continue and attack S. Korea for retarded-ass reasons. I hope they prove without a shadow of a doubt that they are in the wrong, and I hope they get cocky enough to try and pick a real fight. I hope the whole world says, "Wow, you're being a dick." and turns it's back on N. Korea. I hope that China has to decide to either defend the blatantly wrong or turn the cold shoulder in order to protect it's own economic interests.

I really want to see this happen, because I'm fucking tired of hearing about Kim Jong Il and his stupid bullshit.

Go South Korea! Go America! Go Sanity!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Poetry Monday.

Fight (For) You
A poem I wrote, I think it's an explanation.

When I feel I’m falling from warmer climes,
The ones you made out of loving words.
It’s all I can do to keep myself afloat
When I feel like I’m about to go insane.

I can’t see you like I did,
I can’t feel your beating heart,
I can’t see your glowing eyes,
I think I left a bit of me behind.

When we are bolder than a minute ago,
I swear your voice comes alive in my...
This is all I can do to stay afloat.
I just can’t feel anymore.

I can’t see you anymore,
I don’t feel your beating heart,
I don’t remember your glowing eyes,
I think I left it all behind.

I can’t help but hit the keys a little harder.
The words that form are all for you
And every time you come back it’s so cold,
But cold is better than to be without you.

When we go louder than the hour before,
I feed on anger as though it were a drug.
At least I can hear you once again my dear.
At least it feels like you are here.

I want to see you again,
I want to feel your breaking heart,
I miss those lovely morning eyes,
I wish I had come along for the ride.

Now I’m stuck holding on by a thread,
A suicidal serpent - eating its own tail.
I feel closer when I’m fighting with you.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

An Apology to 28 After Dark

This is a special and, I promise, rare Sunday post from Howie.

About a month ago I arranged an interview with the frosh-core band 28 After Dark which I foolishly conducted on my laptop. It was foolish because my laptop, being a hunk of crap, is having some technical issues. Basically, all of my notes and quotes are saved on one .txt-file that I cannot access. I'm planning on getting the issue resolved as quickly as possible but I still need to apologize.

Those kids were super excited and I was too. So, until I get the issue resolved. I am officially extending an offer for 28 After Dark to have a plug on here, much like I did for Taylor Quenneville and all of his music. Whether or not they want me to compose it or compose it themselves is up to them, but I hope it will hold off the hordes of people demanding the results of the awesomely bad interview I conducted.

28 After Dark. I'm sorry.

I hope one of you reads this and capitalizes on your opportunity or just gives me a little leeway until I can get my computer fixed.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Armac's Shameless Plugging 1 (Tracks 1-4)

*Note: To skip my ramblings to the songs, scroll down, you'll see them*

Hey all. So, Howie graciously allowed me to post some music stuff on Saturdays. That's all well and good, but that left the question of whether to just post stuff I've already written and then self-loathe about it, or like, post new stuff and self-loathe about it. I've decided to compromise. At the moment I'm working on redoing a large portion of my already written music, because the original recordings kinda, well, suck.

The first music I really wrote was all part of a story in a continually resetting universe. The story was called TCCV, or The Caves Coma Vortex. I'm not sure what that means, and neither should you. I ended up 'releasing' four albums worth of songs in that story.

Then I started getting betterish musically.

Now I've decided to make this stuff passable as music and then when I've done that, I'll expand on each chapter and make it into a larger coherent story. More on that when it happens.
Anyways. I'll start my series of plugging and writing new songs with the beginning of TCCV.

The TCCV story starts with a tale of a man who is basically The Human Torch from Marvel Comics.
This guy

It wasn't explained really in the original album, but the Man of Fire is the first incarnation of Armac.
Armac is the Hero of the TCCV story.
I also stole it for my username on this and other websites.

Its impossible to not feel lame when talking about this story, sigh. Whatever.

So, something bad happened to the Man of Fire, and he sold out to the devil, who is the first incarnation of Eval, TCCV's villian.
Now he believes himself to be killing sin by literally killing every sinner. Of course, everyone sins at one point or another, so he becomes a mass murderer.
I really should have included some of that backstory in the original album. All we're given is that he's killing sinners.

The layout hereon will be:
Track [number] - [title]
[Bandcamp embed of the new version]
Description of the song's story.
What I detested (and every once in a while, what I liked) about the original recording.
Description of the new versions improvements and lacks.
[Bandcamp embed of the old version]

Track One - Burn!

The first song is "Burn!" which was the song Howie was gracious enough to feature on Wednesday's post.
This song takes place during one of the Man of Fire's raids on sinners.
He attacks a bar filled with patrons because in his eyes, they are sinners.

The original version of the song (below) was recorded with an electric guitar.
This enhances the aggressive nature of the song.
My voice however, does no such thing.
It's like I'm talking vaguely tonally.
Not to mention the song verges on the indecipherable at times.
The effects on the voice yelling "burn" is not too bad. But it doesn't mask that I'm not really screaming.
The lead voice overpowers the mic frequently too.
The final round of "burn"s sounds like dogs barking.
The last "burn bright burn strong" is stupid.
The decayed feel of the final "burn" is pretty cool.

In the newly rerecorded version of the song (above) I lost the aggressive electric guitar.
The intro is instead a slowly loudening acoustic guitar.
I accidentally recorded some telephone crap over it. I thought it sounded cool and kept it.
The song is very similar except for the change of instrument.
Other differences: It's slower, sounds better recording-wise, the "burn" yells aren't effected, there are backing vocals.
The only musical difference guitar-wise comes during the bridge. The bridge was originally improvised.
Redoing it was kinda difficult, so I Songicized™ it a bid more.
I also changed the ending because I decided that the "Burn bright" part was lame and cheesy.
I do miss the decayed "Burn!" at the end. But it really was a lucky recording the first time and was therefore unredoable.

Track 2 - Web of Lies

This song is a narrative of the Man of Fire traversing the woods.
The original story for the Man of Fire came from a poem I'd written in high school.
The poem is actually track 5 (next week) on the album. So yea.
This song summarizes what everyone who is not the Man of Fire wonders about him.
Then the Man of Fire realizes he might be being tricked. So his flame goes away.

The original recording has pretty abysmal singing on my part.
I'm like mumbling the words slightly.
Eventually the medium-speed guitar speeds up for no reason.
Then theres a 15-20 second improvised bit.
I whisper something over it, "why can't he stop what he started" I think.
I get louder and higher singing after that.
I also mess up the guitar rhythm, so the vocals come in weirdly.

The redo has a greatly expanded intro. I think for the expanded version of this part of TCCV, I'll turn the intro thing into the Man of Fire's theme.
When the intro finishes, the song resembles the original much more. This time, however, I'm understandable!
The song also is slowerish. Not too much, but it stays slow.
Now that the lyrics are understandable, its clear how cheesy they are.
I yell more in this version. Well, sing louder.
I improvise some ooh-ing continuing from the word "fool" and it sounds pretty cool. I hope I'll be able to recreate that.
This oohing is the replacement of the 15-20 second bridge thing.
Then a much more clear "why can't you stop" thing happens.
There is also much more of a transition back to the slow part.
I like the pause after the last verse. Huh.
This song, Burn!, and Backfire were recorded over the summer, so they aren't as fresh in my mind.
The ending isn't bad either. I kinda miss some notes. Whatever.
OOOOh I really like what I did at the end end.
Sorry for seeming vain.

Track 3- Backfire

Backfire is a song with a pun-title. It continues from Web of Lies, in which the Man of Fire gives up his fire.
The Man of Fire expects to be re-integrated into society.
The townspeople just kill the shit out of him.

This song again used electric guitar.
It was definitely fitting. The vocals screwed it up again.
During the verses, they're kinda hard to understand. During the choruses, they're falsetto messes.
During the weird bridges. I'm not sure what they are.
I sound like a 10 year old in this song.
I will say that musically, this was one of my favorites of the day.
Towards the end, the word "dead" in the phrase "dead and gone he fell" pops out of nowhere.
Then the next line "fell from grace" sounds awesome with the guitar crash.
Then it finishes on the cryptic line "and his face has gone away".
The loud crap at the very very end was a segue into the next track.

The new version loses the electric guitar, which is a shame, but the two acoustic guitars sound ok.
The vocals are much clearer. The aggressivity of the chorus is diminished, which is again a shame.
This song deserves electricity. Sigh.
At least I yell the second chorus. To some success. Lol.
The nonsensical bridge is given a bit more clarity.
The weird voice "why is he so useless" part is changed into a more sense-making set of sung lyrics.
The original's bridge was probably Satan's complaints about the Man of Fire being a wimp.
This changes it into a description of the killing, sort of.
Then there is one of like, 4 solos I've ever done. This one isn't too bad. Nothing special.
The ending, is made more definite.
I kept the "fell from grace" thing I liked, but the ending is super abrupt without the segue. Sigh.
On the whole, loads better than the original.

Track 4- The Final Descent

This song is harder to tell the story of.
I don't remember what I originally intended for it.
What I've reverse engineered for a story is that the Man of Fire is in hell, and sees his deceased love.
He can deal with his hell for this reason.
But he can't actually have her.
Something like that.

The original song is a very experimental thing.
Made primarily of blowing into the microphone and looping it.
It was funnish to make, but very unrepeatable.
The booming was way louder than the previous song, so it scared Howie when he first heard it.
I'm not sure of the time of this release in relation to Nine Inch Nail's "Year Zero" but I believe that the pained yelling (representative of hell) was based on "Hyperpower!" From "Year Zero".
Again, I'm not sure when this was recorded timewise.
The lyrics are "I don't know what I'm doing here, but you are here, so I'll stay here, I don't know what you said my dear, you are here, so i'll stay here, I will burn from head to toe, burn your soul, do you know, I know, I know, I'll burn your soul"
There are a bunch of self-rhymes. Which is super cheating.
I do like my voice here, it sounds not too much like my own. I may have digitally lowered it, I don't recall.

Anyways, the new version had to be drastically different, as it was to be acoustic.
That being said, the only real similarities are the lyrics. BUT I changed those too.
I extended them by a lot, but I attempted to keep the self-rhyming.
That being said, give me a break rhymewise, I know it's a cop out.
The songs intro is one I've been toying with for a while, and I finally got to use.
The faux-bass that comes in used to be way faker sounding, but I added a second layer of it without the reverb, saving that.
Everything on this song is my Classical guitar and voice.
The rhythm of the lyrics is more or less the same.
I semi-yell some lyrics.
I like the harshness of the "I know" part.
I may have held the end of the "soul" note too long, whatever.
This may be my only successful use of echoing.
The end is fairly abrupt, but I like it.

Well! Thats my first post.
Hope it wasn't unbearably long. I'm very open to comments.
From here on, I will be recording the next song on TCCV each week, discussing the continuing story, the lacks of the original, and the fixes in the new.
Basically, each subsequent post will be about 1/4th as long as this one.
Also: Because I'm doing them in order, you can listen ahead on TCCV.

Track 5- The Legend Told

Friday, November 19, 2010

Announcement. Post Five. New Record.

Announcement everyone! (don't you love how I act as though people read this) Like I said yesterday, some possibilities were opened up when I flattered my best-good-friend Taylor Quenneville on Wednesday. After talking with him, I've agreed to give him this Saturday to post anything he wants about his music. Whether or not this will be permanent is still unknown and will depend on my mood, Taylor's eagerness, and the influx numbers for Saturday.

So, long story short, Taylor is posting this Saturday, not me; I'm not liable for anything he says or does. I hope you enjoy! Support the arts!

Next order of business... my personal sentiments.

Although technically every post I make is a new record, I'm going to set this one aside as a particularly important milestone. You see, normally I can't commit to anything in life. Just ask my parents, ex-girlfriend, teachers, coaches, ex-band mates, and almost anyone else. Anything that is going to take longer than a day or has more than like, four steps, I'm practically useless with. I don't do well with big projects. In fact, if you ask Taylor, I think I still owe him a whole plethora of musical projects that I simply never followed through with.

Don't get me wrong, I can get work done. Give me a list of individual things to do and I will get it done, quickly and efficiently. But ask me to consistently do something or undertake a time consuming project and I fail.

I want this blag, my blag, Noblesaur, to be my turnaround. I'm actually committed to posting at least three times a week, on each of my days off; whether or not people read it is not of my concern. It's about proving to myself that I can do something that takes more than a day, week, month, or even year. I want to show myself that I can commit to something with no definite end. In fact, I want to commit to something that shouldn't ever end, until I do.

Such is life, and the important parts of it: relationships, long-term goals, careers, education, family, et cetera.

And so, one week is important. It's a baby step in the right direction. Now I have to extend it into one month, then a year, and then maybe I can apply this idea, this confidence and knowledge of and in my own self competence, to the rest of my life. Hopefully. If it all goes to plan.

Thank you for reading. If anyone is. Whether you stumbled upon this by accident, or followed a one time link from Facebook, or if you have been checking in every other day. Remember to follow me on Twitter @HWClark52. Have a good weekend! I'll try to as well.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quick Reminder! Possibilities. Lame Excuse.

Tomorrow is International "Make Someone Feel Uncomfortable" Day and I will be participating in my own special way. I hope whoever happens to be reading will join in the fun. Remember, pics or it didn't happen (video and audio is fine too). Send awesome content to me at


Since I actually didn't totally ream my friend Taylor and his music yesterday. There are some new "possibilities" on the table for me and my blag, this blag, Noblesaur. Hurray!!! :D

This was a lame excuse of a post. But it's my blag, so whatever. See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Three. A Request. A Plug.

Woot! Post three! I'm personally excited I've made it this far.

Okay... so...

First off, a request! As some of you already saw on my updates, tweets, and Facebook. I'm looking to commission a drawfag to make me a freaking awesome mascot for this here blag. I'm looking for a bad-ass purple dinosaur, preferably bi-pedal, and not Barney, who looks as though he is from nobility. At the very least, there should be like a top hat or something... maybe a monocle or a little tux that hardly fits? If someone follows through with this I will be so so so happy and appreciative. If multiple people draw awesome dinosaurs. I'll leave it up to a vote!


A plug for my friend and his music. Most of you probably know about my best-good-friend Taylor Quenneville; either personally as a mutual friend or you simply heard about him as I ranted and raved, as I incessantly do, about fun times we have had. I have a few things to say about Taylor Quenneville:
  1. He has very low self-esteem. In fact it's really annoying. He has no reason to be so depressed about himself in my humble opinion.

  2. He and I get along really well. In fact, he gets along well with mostly everybody. He's a really good guy, a fun person to be around, and he can be a fucking riot.

  3. He is a musician, a lyricist, a poet, a writer, and an artist. He's a damn good one too. Unfortunately, statement number one hinders his musical abilities a ton.
Taylor writes some good lyrics and some good music. He creates it constantly and you really can't understand the scope of his accomplishments until you compile it all and really step back to look at the sheer amount of art this nineteen year old self-loathing douche-hat has created. Fortunately for us, he found a place to do just that at a website named Bandcamp.

He prefers to categorize all of his music under a truly odd stage name, The Noodle Minions, something he has been doing since before I met him and something that I still don't really understand. However, each little musical style or project has it's own little "band name." For example all the work that he did with me, and our little attempt at a band is called Numb Lock and his improvised, vulgar, and acoustic songs are considered part of The Dirty Hairs.

I asked Taylor what song summed him and his music up best, and he gave me a whole list. I guess that's what I get. His music ranges from ambient industrial sounds to fast riff based rock jams and acoustic ballads. Below, a sampling of his ever-growing and ever-improving arsenal of songs.

First, Burn!, a brand new acoustic reworking of an old song under the tag of The Noodle Minions.

Then, Goddamnation 3- 1998, an ambient industrial tune under the tag, Dissolution of Grandeur.

I hope you enjoy as much as I do. Please check out the rest of his page and the plethora of music he offers. Especially Numb Lock and Rumba.

Thanks to Taylor, for making all this music for us to enjoy.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Post Two. Tuesday Special

Now, I know that I said I was only going to post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but there is nothing wrong with going above and beyond the self inflicted call of duty right? I'll tell you, it is, especially regarding things like this.


I was on Facebook last night, lurking as usual, when I saw some guy who wasn't my friend, yet somehow hacked his way into my Most-Recent-News Feed. His post led me to YouTube and I quickly found one of the best and most sincere videos I've ever seen on the site.

I honestly think this is YouTube at its absolute best. This is what the site was really designed for, not the poop we usually get. The name of this short film (not merely a video) is Out of Sight and it was made as a graduation production by three students from the National Taiwan University of Arts. In the words of the film's description:
The main character, a little girl, in the story confronts a robbery and strays from the road she is familiar with. After passing a hedge, she enters an unknown world and unfolds a magical adventure depending on senses and her imagination in stead of her vision. With soft and cute colors as the main key, we used simple designs to depict the little girls' imaginary world.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I think it will appeal to almost anybody, especially if you're reading this! Without further adieu, Out of Sight. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

A First Real Blog Post? No, a Poem.

Remember the Winds
Three years made, just for me, just for her.

Remember that gust of wind,
The one that brought us here.
It was unseen, unheard, unknown.
Its angelic ebb and flow
Guided us silently home.

Home, for me, is right with you;
Your warm embrace, my port of call.
Looking out across the sea
Of endless possibilities,
I’m just glad you’re here with me.

If these gales that brought us near,
Are more than raw, chaotic luck,
Perhaps they have, defined, a goal.
Does He dictate the way they blow,
Did they push us, soul to soul?

If these invisible waves of might
Push and pull us till all’s right
Then why, at times, do they lead the fight,
Blow against their normal course,
And lead us, apart, far, far away.

Only then, to turn again
And return us to each other’s arms.
As if the battles we had waged
Were never there, never more.

Remember please, the winds of Fate.
Before you let him break you down.
They guide the ship that is your heart,
An unearthly vessel, homeward bound.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Blog of Mine

I realize that this blog of mine is such a typical one. I rarely post, and whenever I do it's merely to apologize for never posting. Such typicalness. Perhaps if I stuck to it, I would get readership. Who knows? Let's try.

Starting immediately, I'm going to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. What am I going to post about? I dunno, maybe a theme will arise?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New blog header.

Just an opportunity for a pic of more autumn colours and a speed blurred 7.

_________ 7_________

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Old Timers: The London to Brighton Run 2010

Apart from reading the brass plaques, counting wheels and realising that the horse had deliberately been left in the stable, how do you tell your De Dion Bouton from your Sunbeam without some real car knowledge?

The quest for understanding meant that the 8am blat to Handcross in Sussex was well attended by 10 or so ReHab'ers (you know, the Reading & Hampshire 7 clubbists), the damp and mist being no barrier to our education.There'd be sausages and coffee too (with a donation to Leukaemia Research) and an estimated 100 or so 7's were expected to pitch up to the layby on the A23... maybe these were the real reasons to catch this traditional end of season event!?

The race boots having absorbed worm cast and attendant moisture from the wet grass, made the sun that broke through very welcome and, from way off, it picked out the array of brasswork that was rolling down the A23 towards Brighton. How curly the horns and how furry the coats in the parade of back to front, tiller steered,wheezing devices mixing with the cyclists, euroboxes and the welcoming audience of 7eveners! There was a lot of 'toot toot'!

Old Timer ... get me some of those headlamps!

Great morning out supporting a good cause on this historic event.The roads were dry for the solo blat back, I took the long way...and then ran out of petrol. Arse. I realised the race boots had dried out though after a couple of miles with can in hand.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm off to test the present.

You know when the sun's out, and the afternoon is free, and when you've just had your birthday and the wife wrapped up that camera you gave her to give you back the next day? Isn't it great to spend a few hours just arseing about and creating a little something for the hell of it! Especially when you live right near the Pirbright Ring:

One of the Sunrisers has the work/life balance sorted.

Note: The Sunrise Seven Squadron (The Sunrisers) cannot guarantee future videos to be of this quality and professionalism.Some of us have to work god-damn it...and anyway this type of  mid week fun and frivolity can be addictive and mess up your head.So it cannot be condoned by the other members of the Sunrisers, so stop it.Thanks.

Same bit of road different technique!



Nice colours out there, even if the temperature is a bit crucial at dawn! Low mist, low sun, damp leaves and later starts are not ingredients that we're used too, but they make for some great scenery at visor eye level at full chat. Traffic count is higher though, the horse box fraternity and car bootisters still compete for the same bit of tarmac, who'll be the last still holding ground before the year is out?


 _______ 77________

Gran Premio de Brasil

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