Tuesday, January 3, 2012

399km on one leg

dakar online

As night fell on the finishing line, Orlando Salvatore finally arrived at the end of the 2nd special, more than 10 hours after starting the timed section, already in poor conditions! “I got caught out by a passage through the fesh-fesh on the link stage and went flying off the bike! I didn't hurt myself, but I ripped off the foot-stand and the back brake lever. As a result, I rode 300 km on one leg, my left leg! Already, without any rear brakes in the dunes, I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't think it would be so long.

What's more, my battery gave up the ghost and every time I came off, I had to kick-start the bike to get going again! I haven't had any water in the camelback for the last 3 hours, but fortunately, the Argentineans are great: they gave me plenty to drink and lots of encouragement! If only just for that, whatever happens for me on the Dakar 2012, I'm definitely coming back next year!”

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