Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Boullier on Kubica recovery

Kubica recovery

Renault chief Eric Boullier plans to talk to Robert Kubica this week to catch up on progress in his recovery, so he can start to think about the decision on whether or not it is necessary to find a driver to replace him next year.

Boullier has made clear that the seat is secured to Kubica in case he can race again next year.

However, he also has said they need a definitive answer on the matter so the team is waiting now for months - which could affect their chances of finding a replacement if Kubica can not return.

Speaking to our media reporter, Boullier said he wanted to move forward with the team's plans in coming days - for that very reason he want to talk with Kubica.
"I'll make a call this week to see where he stand and then start planning something," said Boullier.

"I have no idea when I willt make the final decision. This is not a normal process, there is no normal process. We need to talk and is the subject of all that Robert has to do and all we have to do "

Renault is considering alternative options if Kubica can not return, and there are limited options.

Rubens Barrichello seems to be available next year, although he is nearing the end of his career so it would not be a long term solution for Renault.

The team may have a bet on a young driver: could be Bruno Senna or third driver Romain Grosjean, or try to secure a young talent like Paul di Resta and Nico Hulkenberg, this drivers do not have deals for 2012.

Kubica crash

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