Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hamilton needs to bounce back

Hamilton returns to victory

The 2008 World Champion, Lewis Hamilton expects to return to the top this weekend at the Grand Prix of Korea. He wants to end his streak of five races without a victory since winning the German Grand Prix in July.

The Briton has since met with the president of the FIA, Jean Todt, more than it seems, and has been involved in a number of accidents, some minor and some specific to a driver as talented behind the steering wheel.

The next race on the calendar is at Yeongam circuit, it is complicated and still relatively new to the Grand Prix of South Korea, the race last year was a complete failure and was won by Fernando Alonso for Ferrari, after Sebastian Vettel suffer a very rare engine failure. Hamilton was second in that race, and this year will be, no doubt at all, more competitive race after the Grand Prix of Japan, where he finished fifth after starting the race with a car that seemed able to beat the Red Bulls. At least, the McLaren was able to beat the Red Bulls, but it was the McLaren of Button.
Lewis Hamilton will work hard to win a race in the 4 remaining, but has never won in any of the four remaining ciruits of this season. Only Alonso has won the Grand Prix of Korea, nobody has won a Grand Prix in India before, Sebastian Vettel has won the Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi, and Raikkonen (2007), Massa (2008), Webber (2009) and Vettel (2010 ) have won the Brazilian Grand Prix. Of course, these are just statistics that do not represent at all what can happen once the five red lights go off, but if Hamilton wants to end this season with a good taste and end their losing streak, a win is a need !

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